Dead Spiders and Perspective

I had just flown in to Berlin with a friend to attend our good friends wedding - her 3rd wedding celebration mind you: To the same man. If you’re gonna do it, do it right, as WHAM sang!

We clamber onto a very packed train to get to Berlin City, and somehow manage to get some seats. My friend had bought some healthy goodies for our second breakfast of the day..,we’d been up and at it since 4.30am. She opens one item, a container with yoghurt, and blueberries in a separate compartment, very tasty looking. Lo and behold there sits a spider, sprawled across two blueberries, alive and well. ‘Yuck’, she says. ‘Yuck, I echo.  But then I remember and state: “I heard somewhere, we eat approx 8 spiders in our lifetime, while we are sleeping. It won’t do you any harm”.

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Celine Mullins
We Are All Insane

Something I have realized during my life so far, whether it is working with clients, my own friendships and relationships or just talking with people in general, is that we all have our own little battles going on; internally and externally. Some more or less than others, but very few of us are completely free of frustrations at one level or another.

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Celine Mullins
A Youthful Brain

Want to keep your Brain young?

In the book “The Brain That Changes Itself” Norman Doidge (2007) states that…..

 …the way to stave off memory loss into old age and to keep your brain young, is to keep learning new things “learning new physical activities that require concentration, solving challenging puzzles, or making a career change that requires that you master new skills and materials.”

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Celine Mullins
Changing Your Habits? Focus On the Gains, Visualize the Outcomes

It’s difficult to change old ingrained habits, isn’t it? To create a hunger for change, we need to be clear on what the benefits of changing our behaviour will be.Kahneman and Tversky, two of the most famous of modern psychologists are well known for the theory of “loss aversion”. This refers to people’s strong preference for minimising losses over acquiring gains. People in fact prefer avoiding losses to acquiring equivalent gains. For example, it’s better to not lose 5 euro than to find 5 euro. We feel almost twice the emotion over a loss as opposed to a gain.

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Celine Mullins